Elementary Education Program

Elementary Education Program
A&M-Texarkana believes high admissions standards, rigorous coursework and quality field experiences in conjunction with strong partnerships between the university, school districts, community colleges and other entities best prepare candidates for successful careers in the teaching profession. Candidates seeking teaching certification while earning their Bachelor’s degree may complete the program at the Main Campus in Texarkana.
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Featured Courses
ECE 401 - Early Childhood Education: History and Philosophy
This course is a study of the history and philosophies of early childhood education. The goal of this course is to comprehend historical movements and educational philosophy in the field of early childhood education. Areas of emphasis will include the movements and impacts of past and present early childhood educational trends and issues and projected directions of the future.
ED 311 - Teaching and Learning for Social Change (EL)
This foundational education course explores the breadth of educational settings for students and the role the teacher plays in disrupting structural inequities and advancing justice in the classroom. Cultural, emotional, physical, intellectual, and learning differences are studied for their impact on learning abilities and educational opportunity. The course draws upon a framework of understanding that includes the 1) introduce and prepare sections of the teacher education learning cycle and 2) the four dimensions of equity. Students will apply educational theory to practical implementation of high leverage practices and consider how such practices enhance learning for all students. Students must be considered in their junior year and will be required to participate in 10 hours of field experiences and participate in practice-based learning opportunities to complete course requirements. This course integrates the principles of experiential learning and meets the criteria for field work.
ED 331 - Classroom and Behavior Management
This course presents current strategies for classroom and behavior management including classroom procedures and expectations, organization of materials, and classroom space for optimum learner benefit. An emphasis will be placed on the high-leverage instructional practice, developing meaningful relationships. University students will engage in strategies that support equity for diverse and marginalized students and large diverse classrooms. Basic federal and state laws for all teachers, including teachers of students with disabilities (dyslexia, emotional/behavior disorders, autism), English as a Second Language (ESL) and other at-risk students will also be presented. This course will require university students to learn and practice strategies and techniques through authentic and interactive field experiences.
ED 403 - Curriculum for Teaching Young Children
This course is an advanced level of teaching in early childhood classroom. Based upon completion of ECE 401 and 402, this course focuses contemporary theories from the field of early childhood education. Teacher candidates are expected to conceptualize theories and ideas for enhancing their teaching practices. Using early childhood educational approaches, lesson planning and teaching will be rehearsed. Topics include strategies for understanding young children; core principles and practices in early childhood education; pedagogical strategies for facilitating children to be active learners; creating a sense of community in the classroom; and family-school-community partnerships.