
The Master of Science in Psychology is designed to build and enhance the skills needed to function in professional roles related to Psychology including research and teaching. The program offers advanced training in psychology, brain function, human development and behavior as well as basic and advanced research methods. Student interaction, real life examples of cognitive function and behavioral patterns along with rich face to face discussions form the learning dynamic, while students are also provided an engaging and effective environment to stimulate critical thinking, writing skills and interpersonal communications.
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Featured Courses
PSY 503 - Psychology of Behavior Disorders
This class prepares students to diagnose psychological disorders using the current diagnostic manual. Videotape cases will be used to illustrate the various types of disorders. Attention will also be given to gathering relevant information from the clinical interview, psychometrics, and other sources to assist in the diagnostic process.
PSY 541 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology
Students will synthesize and analyze classic and contemporary readings in the cognitive sciences and apply their acquired knowledge of the subject to a variety of activities designed to provide firsthand experience in the field of cognitive psychology. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
PSY 546 - Advanced Personality Theories
This course will survey both classic and current topics in advanced personality psychology with an emphasis on application to both observational and experimental research in the field. Students will participate in a class project to write a research proposal and have the opportunity to participate in completing the project and presenting at a professional conference.