Master in Science - School Counseling
Master in Science - School Counseling
The graduate programs at A&M-Texarkana are practitioner's degrees. A&M-Texarkana offers two graduate programs in Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling. These programs enable students to meet the academic requirements to sit for the licensing exam for the position of Clinical Mental Health Counselor or for certification as an all-level School Counselor.
The Master of Science in School Counseling program consists of 48 credit hours. The Counseling and Psychology faculty are committed to the training effective school counselors. Following the completion of the majority of coursework, students have the opportunity to translate coursework into a practicum experience within the school setting. All students seeking a master’s degree in school counseling are required to participate in 3 semester credit hours of practicum at an approved school. Students who are accepted into the school counseling program must apply to the TK20 program prior to enrolling in courses.
Persons with this certification are employed in public schools to provide services as a school counselor at a variety of levels. To find out how to pursue this credential, contact the A&M-Texarkana Office of Teacher Certification.
A&M-Texarkana offers several graduate elective courses such as, Introduction to Trauma Counseling, Counseling Children and Adolescents, Play Therapy, Advanced Counseling Theories, and Sexual Behavior. These courses may also be utilized by clinicians to satisfy continuing education requirements.
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Featured Courses
COUN 540 - Introduction to Play Therapy
This course is designed to (1) assist those who work with children in understanding the fundamental tenets of play therapy, (2) help participants develop an effective philosophy of and approach to play therapy, (3) increase participants' understanding of the inner world and behavior of children, (4) help students connect with children on a feeling level, (5) promote self-awareness and self-understanding, (6) increase participants' understanding of child development, particularly with children ages three to nine, (7) enhance participants' sensitivity to and acceptance of others, and (8) equip students with beginning level play therapy skills.
COUN 517 - Assessment in Counseling
This course integrates theory and practice related to the use of standardized aptitude, achievement, and interest tests. The utilization of appraisal data for educational and vocational advising, placement, and follow up will be covered. Experience will be gained in the administration and interpretation of selected aptitude, achievement, and interest assessments.
COUN 520 - Counseling Diverse Populations
This course focuses on the multicultural issues that may arise within the context of counseling clients. The course is designed to raise students' awareness of their own values and their clients' values, how these values may differ in the areas of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic class, and how these differences may impact the therapeutic relationship.
COUN 523 - School Counseling
This course provides an overview of school and vocational counseling programs. An in-depth study of the functions of school counselors will be provided, which includes counseling, consulting, coordinating, and assessment services. Students will learn how to develop a comprehensive school counseling program, working with and serving students, teachers, staff, and administration.
COUN 534 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
This course is a didactic and experiential course that prepares students to work with the special needs of children and adolescents. This course will focus on developmental needs, specific therapeutic interventions, and common emotional issues of children and adolescents.