Weather Information:

A&M-Texarkana will shift to the remote work environment for appropriate university operations for Friday, January 10, 2025. For assistance with enrollment and advising needs please click here.

Academic Advising Center

Supporting your Academic Journey with Dedicated Academic Advising

Academic advising assists with the advisement of all undergraduate students at Texas A&M University-Texarkana. Our professional academic advisors assist undergraduate students with adjustment to college life, monitor student’s academic progress as needed, and assist students with course selection and scheduling.  In addition to face-to-face sessions, Academic Advisors are available by email, phone, or video conferencing to accommodate the distance learning population.  Academic advising shares the responsibility of undergraduate advising with faculty advisors on campus to ensure a holistic advising experience for all students.

Register for Classes

A&M - Texarkana provides options for you to easily get registered for classes. You can schedule time with one of our professional advising staff who will help you through the process. Or, you can use our self-service portal to do it yourself.

Connect with an Advisor Self-Service Portal

Note: While using the self-service portal, if you encounter a hold on your account that prevents registration, just email Our team is standing by to assist you.


Advising Goals
  • Fosters an environment based on mutual responsibility between student and advisor
  • Services as a developmental process
  • Discusses and clarifies educational and career goals
  • Advises on the selection of appropriate courses towards degree completion
  • Evaluates and monitors student academic progress
  • Is based on theories and knowledge of teaching, learning, and identity development
  • Reinforces student self-direction and self-sufficiency
Advising Outcomes
  • Assist students in understanding university policies and procedures and campus resources to ensure their success at A&M-Texarkana and in so doing, connecting to the university.
  • Formulate a plan to select appropriate courses each semester using the selected degree plan for students' intended major.
  • Guide students toward self-sufficiency by teaching them to schedule time to meet with the advisor, prepare for their individual advising appointment, and select their courses for each semester.

Student & Advisor Mutual Responsibility

The relationship between Academic Advisor and Student is based on mutual responsibility.  Ultimately, the student is the in charge of his/her education.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for being active participants in the advising process by:

  • Scheduling and adhering to at least one advising appointment each semester with their faculty or academic advisor.
  • Arriving prepared to each advising session to discuss academic goals, take notes, and to discuss any issues.
  • Accessing and understanding their online degree plan audit to monitor degree progress and select courses appropriate to their overall degree completion.
  • Monitoring their academic progress each semester.
  • Consulting with their faculty and academic advisor when circumstances could impact academic performance (e.g. illness, family situation, work schedule, or other emergencies)
  • Checking their university ACE mail account daily for any official university communications.
  • Maintaining current contact information with the university.
  • Go over your DegreeWorks degree audit and course descriptions. (This will give you an idea of what courses you need to take, when to take them, and what prerequisites are needed.)
  • Look at the class schedule online: here (Consider what classes you need to take and when you want to take them. Keep in mind your work schedule and other obligations).
  • Create a list of courses you intend to take.
  • Check for holds in Web for Students (You cannot register until holds are cleared).
  • Keep your contact information current and important documents organized.
  • Bring relevant documents, pen, and paper to your advising session.
How to get the most out of your advising sessions:

Selecting and Planning for Your Major

If you are considering several fields of interest and would like to talk to someone about further exploration, please contact an academic advisor.  You can also speak with your faculty advisor regarding major option or visit the ACE Center.

Building Your Schedule

Remember to consider the following:

  • For every one (1) hour in class, schedule two to three (2-3) hours of study outside of class.
  • Think about scheduling courses with a break in between to prepare for class or review notes.
  • Keep a daily planner to schedule weekly or bi-weekly work or campus related meetings.
  • Eating healthy is important to your academic health; schedule time for a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Have a quick snack  to eat in between meals if necessary.
  • Schedule time for your physical health; schedule time on your weekly schedule for aerobic activity at least three (3) times a week.

Advisor Responsibilities

The advising process is designed to assist undergraduate students in making responsible academic and career choices; setting and fulfilling their educational goals; growing intellectually and emotionally; and increasing their critical thinking and decision-making skills. Academic Advisors are responsible for:

  • Maintaining accessibility and regular contact with students through face-to-face appointments, email, phone, or video conferencing.
  • Understanding and effectively communicating the undergraduate curriculum, graduation requirements, and university policies and procedures.
  • Instructing students on how to access and utilize their online degree plan audit. 
  • Encouraging self-reliance and supporting undergraduate students as they develop lifelong learning skills and attainable educational goals.
  • Providing students with information about the available resources and services on campus: Success Center, Testing Center, Library, etc.
  • Guiding students towards an appreciation of the learning process and higher education.
  • Helping students become more responsible and accountable by honestly reflecting on their successes and limitations.
  • Maintaining confidentiality.
  • Encouraging undergraduate students to work closely with their professors to discuss academic progress.

Contact Academic Advising

Academic Advising
1st Floor of University Center
Phone: (903) 334-6707