Travel Information

There may be times that work duties require travel away from campus.  To ensure that those traveling remain safe and are conservative with the use of State funds, several tools and training documents are available.

SHAREPOINT: Additional documentation and information for Accounting is available at our SharePoint site.

Accounting SharePoint

Travel Contacts

Shared Services Contact Information:

Non-Travel Help: For card administration (credit limit changes, MCC issues, etc.) or questions relating to non-travel expense reports

Helpdesk Phone Number: (979) 458-5731

Travel Help: For travel bookings, travel preapproval, travel expenses or guidance on guidelines email -

Helpdesk Phone Number: (979) 458-8734

ATTENTION: Add your work email to your Emburse profile:

Please make sure that your main email address (example - and your Workday email address of (example - are both on your profile. If BOTH are not on your profile, you may have issues with approval routing or submitting receipts.

Updated Monthly Card Limits (excluding Athletics):

  • Non-Travel Only (previously P Card): $5,000 & single transaction $3,000
  • Travel Only: $2,500 & no single transaction limit
  • Both Travel and Non-Travel: $7,500 & single transaction $3,000

If your monthly travel will exceed $2,500, please submit a card increase request.

OneCard Resources

OneCards-Please check with K’Leeh Holt ( to make sure you do not already have a card ordered.

Emburse/Chrome River

Chrome River is an expense management and invoice automation software designed to streamline spending. It helps organizations manage travel expenses, approvals, and reimbursements with real-time tracking, policy compliance, and seamless integrations.

Travel and Non-Travel Resources:

For CTP Full Service Reservation Assistance please call 866-901-3377, or you can email

For Group Reservations please call 800-810-2695or you can email

CTP Hours of Operation:   8:00am - 5:30pm CST
CTP After Hours:                5:31pm - 7:59am CST and all day Sat-Sun CST

After Hours Toll Free Number: 800-358-1229.  Calling this number, regardless of what time you call, will result in a $16 fee from the after-hours service provider.  Only call this number between 5:31pm and 7:59am CT.

Travel Information

International Travel

International Travel poses extra risks and procedures due to both personal safety concerns and export controls.  Persons wishing to travel internationally on University Business must complete extra tasks to ensure a safe trip.

The Chancellor requires additional layers of approval for foreign travel, as outlined in his Memo (10/10/13) and System Regulation 21.01.03, Disbursement of Funds.

Before International Travel can be approved, it must be approved by the TAMUT Office of Risk Management.  This step insures that the travel is informed of required training and documentation, export control requirements, and additional insurance provided. The traveler will be asked to complete the International Travel Export Screening to identify what export concerns need to be addressed prior to travel.  

If travel involves countries or areas of extreme risk,  the traveler must complete International Travel Questionnaire for Extreme Risk Countries.  This questionnaire will be forwarded to System Risk Management, which will provide guidance for approval, and the University President must ultimately approve any requests to areas of extreme risk.  

Texas A&M University System provides Medical Evacuation, Return of Remains, and Security Evacuation Coverage for employees traveling internationally on behalf of University business.  This coverage is provided by Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI).  Travelers are responsible for logging into the CISI Portal to obtain the ID Card and other benefit information.  

CISI Portal  (select 'I am an insured")

Password:  TAMUSEVAC

Other International Travel Resources