Tenure and Promotion

Tenure and Promotion

The institutional rule for implementing tenure and promotion at Texas A&M University-Texarkana (hereafter referred to as A&M-Texarkana) is based on The Texas A&M University System (hereafter referred to as A&M System) Policy 12.01, Academic Freedom. Responsibility and Tenure and Regulation 12.01.01, Institutional Rules for Implementing Tenure. This rule applies equally to current faculty members and future appointees unless specified otherwise. This rule seeks to provide useful guidelines for situations related to faculty tenure and promotion not specifically described in A&M System policies. Additionally the tenure and promotion guidelines focus on the successful recruitment, development, and evaluation of faculty. To ensure an equitable university-wide approach to decisions involving promotion and tenure, each academic college must have written guidelines describing its standards for tenure and promotion. The criteria must indicate a clear progression of expectations to ensure faculty awareness of the standards by which their contributions shall be evaluated in the decision process.

College of Arts, Science and Education

Click below to find out more about tenure and promotion.

CASE Governance

CASE Guidelines for Tenure, Promotion, and Pre-Tenure Review

College of Business, Engineering and Technology

Click below to find out more about tenure and promotion.

CBET Governance

Faculty evaluation, promotion, and reward structures are implemented institution wide.  The College of Business, Engineering and Technology utilizes these established processes to evaluate, promote and reward the faculty.  These procedures are documented in various procedures.  The process starts with the review process.  This procedure is documented in the following procedure:




Faculty Performance Review

A faculty member’s continued progression is then measured in a peer review format documented in the procedure for promotion and tenure.  This procedure is seen in the following procedure:




Tenure and Promotion

Over the course of a faculty member’s career, a post tenure review process is in place to continue to evaluate a faculty member’s contributions.  This process is documented in the following procedure:



Post Tenure Review of Faculty and Teaching Effectiveness

A number of other procedures are in place to support faculty in their continued professional progression and development.  A short list of these procedures includes the following:




Extension of the Tenure Probationary Period




Academic Freedom & Responsibility




Committee on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, and Tenure (CAFRT) Hearings




Faculty Academic Workload and Reporting Requirements




Faculty Development Leave

Each of these procedures is in line with the college’s mission to support the faculty in their efforts to grow and develop in their proficiency.  Each of the elements of this review process contributes toward defining expectations and responsibilities for the faculty.  The expectations for the faculty are that 100% of the tenure/tenure-track faculty is engaged in the process.  The impact for the faculty is that they strive for continued growth and development throughout their careers.

CBET Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (Effective 2019)

Annual Faculty Performance Evaluation