Meal Plans Rates
(per person per/per semester)
- The Golden Eagle: Unlimited meals per week; $250 declining dollars: $2858.82 per semester
- The Bald Eagle: 14 meals per week; $250 declining dollars; $2607.08 per semester
- The Nesting Eagle: (Junior and Seniors only) 10 meals per week; $100 declining dollars: $2185.90**
- The Little Eagle: 11 meals/week and $400 declining balance for $2163***
- Summer Plan: 380.90 per Summer Semester
Declining dollars may be used at Crave Eatery (the coffee location in the Rec), The Market (also known as the C-Store), and in the Food Hall (also known as the Dining Hall or Eagles Nest). Declining dollars function much like money on a debit card; once they are out, you are able to add funds to your cards account.
*Please contact the Office of Residence Life with any concerns. All meal plans are able to change until the 12th class day of the semester by email to:
**Only eligible participants are Juniors and Seniors. Juniors and Seniors do not have to choose this meal plan. Should a student choose this meal plan who does not qualify they will be moved to The Bald Eagle plan.
*** Only eligible participants are those who will be living in Eagle Landing. Students who are living in Eagle Landing do not have to choose this meal plan. Should a student choose this meal plan who does not qualify they will be moved to The Bald Eagle plan
Meal Plan Requirements for Students Living On Campus
The University requires all students residing within Bringle Lake Village to purchase a meal plan. Students who live off campus are not required to purchase a meal plan. If you have been exempted from housing, you are not required to purchase a meal plan.
Meal Plan Exemption Form - CLOSED
*Students should not make arrangements to live off campus until approved by the Office of Residence Life. Exemption processing takes a minimum of two (2) weeks, assuming adequate information is submitted. Students who are in a current housing contract, and choose to break the contract prior to completion, may be charged a fee up to 20% of the contract.
*Students living off campus, without an approved exemption, will be held responsible for room and board charges.