Flexible Work Arrangements
Alternate Work Location (AWL) and Flexible Work Schedules administered in accordance with System Regulation 33.06.01, Flexible Work Arrangements must be submitted through Workday.
Flexible Work Schedules
A flexible work schedule allows employees to fulfill their job duties by working a schedule other than the established business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (with a 30-minute lunch break) , Monday through Friday while still maintaining a 40-hour workweek. A flexible work schedule must be renewed each year and may be terminated if the arrangement is no longer conducive to the business needs of the organization, the employee’s performance diminishes, or the employee no longer wants to work the approved flexible schedule.
How to Request a Flexible Work Schedule:
Employees must initiate a request for a flexible work schedule according to current System regulations and applicable guidelines. Flexible work schedule arrangement provisions are contingent on approval and should not be considered an employee entitlement.
Log in to Workday and initiate the “Request a Flexible Work Arrangement” (flexible schedule) business process which will route through the appropriate chain of authority for final approval. Reference the User Guide available through Workday Help:
Request Flexible Work Arrangement
Add Flexible Work Arrangement for Worker
Alternate Work Location (AWL) (Remote Work)
An alternate work location (AWL) arrangement allows employees to fulfill their job duties remotely at a location other than the traditional primary work location affiliated with any Texas A&M University System property. (i.e., University Center, Central Plant, the BASS Building, etc.) The following guidelines and resources are intended to outline specific terms and conditions that must be followed if an AWL arrangement is approved.
AWL arrangements are either fully or partially remote. Fully remote allows the employee to fulfill all their job duties from an AWL. This arrangement does not require the employee to report to the primary work location and allows them to fully function in their role leveraging technology to work and communicate. Partially remote allows an employee to fulfill their on-site responsibilities at the assigned primary work location while also providing flexibility to perform assigned functions from an alternate work location. The employee and supervisor determine the distribution of time at each location.
How to Request an AWL Arrangement:
Employees must initiate a request for an AWL arrangement according to current System regulations and applicable guidelines. AWL arrangement provisions are contingent on approval and should not be considered an employee entitlement.
Log in to Workday to “Request a Flexible Work Arrangement” (AWL arrangement) and document the associated terms and conditions. Once the AWL arrangement is initiated by the employee, it is routed through the appropriate chain of authority to the final approver (Chief Executive Approver).
Reference the User Guides available through Workday Help:
Request Flexible Work Arrangement
Add Flexible Work Arrangement for Worker
Roles and Responsibilities of employees in the AWL Arrangement:
- Employees should have a discussion with their manager ahead of initiating the business process in Workday about the proposed advantages for an AWL arrangement and how their role is conducive to an AWL.
- Employees and managers should validate the AWL by ensuring there is not a loss of productivity when moving to the AWL arrangement. There must not be a negative effect on duties and responsibilities that impact the continuity of services provided and supervisory responsibilities, if applicable.
- Complete available AWL training prior to entering into any AWL arrangement. This can be accomplished by taking a course(s) offered through LinkedIn or other training source. Please see below section on Training for more information.
- Ensure the physical location of the AWL is accurately and appropriately disclosed and update the AWL agreement if circumstances and/or physical location change. (Pending a review with outside counsel on various issues related to tax and employment laws, no further requests of AWL arrangements outside the State of Texas will be approved until these issues can be addressed. Existing alternate work location arrangements will be grandfathered and critical exceptions, as determined by each member CEO/designee, can be considered as necessary but exceptions should be limited.)
- Renew the AWL agreement annually.
- Notify manager as soon as practicable whenever problems arise that may adversely affect ability to perform work at the AWL (e.g., power outages, technology issues, sick family members who require substantial attention, or other personal matters impacting their ability to perform their duties).
- Comply with the appropriate protocol for reporting computer security incidents or when the employee suspects there may have been an incident.
- During the hours the employee is on duty at an AWL, the employee must maintain professional appearance and environment, be accessible by telephone, email, instant messaging system, or other appropriate communication technology or software, as determined by management.
- Ensure all state-owned equipment is used in compliance with applicable guidelines. Departments may create a plan to provide the employee with the necessary computer equipment required to conduct assigned duties provided departmental funding is available. Additionally, the employee shall ensure they use the appropriate assigned account to access all system office systems while working away from the primary work location.
- If the employee has an office phone at the primary work location, the phone should be forwarded to an available phone line while working at the AWL.
AWL Expectations
AWL arrangements are not intended to allow for work at other jobs, running businesses, or to engage in other activities that would otherwise result in the employee being required to take leave. The expectation is that normal work requirements, both qualitative and quantitative, must be met. Failure to comply with these restrictions or failure to fulfill normal work requirements on account of non-position-related activities may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
An employee in a non-exempt position may not work overtime (more than 40 hours in a workweek) without prior authorization from the employee’s manager.
In accordance with revised System Regulation 33.06.01, Flexible Work Arrangements, managers must receive adequate training to effectively manage an employee with an approved AWL. To assist with training needs, LinkedIn offers several training courses for managers and the employees they supervise.
Recommended Training
- Leveraging Virtual and Hybrid Teams for Improved Effectiveness
- Leading at a distance
- Managing skills for remote leaders
- Managing Virtual Teams
- Building Connection and Engagement in Virtual Teams
- Leading Virtual Meetings
- Delegating from a Distance
- Virtual performance reviews and feedback
Fully remote employees
- How to Be an Adaptive Employee During Change and Uncertainty
- Be an Effective Hybrid or Virtual Employee
- Remote Work Foundations
- Building Relationships While Working from Home
- Virtual and Hybrid Meeting Essentials
- One-minute habits for hybrid and remote working success
Partially remote employees