Weather Information:

A&M-Texarkana will shift to the remote work environment for appropriate university operations for Friday, January 10, 2025. For assistance with enrollment and advising needs please click here.

Syllabus Policies

For University policies on Academic Integrity, A&M-Texarkana Email Address, Drop Policy, and Disability Accommodations:

Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected of students enrolled in this course. Cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration, falsification of research data, plagiarism, and undocumented use of materials from any source constitute academic dishonesty and may be grounds for a grade of ‘F’ in the course and/or disciplinary actions.  For additional information, see the university catalog.

A&M-Texarkana Email Address: Upon application to Texas A&M University-Texarkana an individual will be assigned an A&M-Texarkana email account. This email account will be used to deliver official university correspondence. Each individual is responsible for information sent and received via the university email account and is expected to check the official A&M-Texarkana email account on a frequent and consistent basis. 

Drop Policy: To drop this course after the census date, a student must complete a Drop/Withdrawal Request Form, located on the University Registrar’s webpage or obtained in the Registrar’s Office. The student must submit the signed and completed form to the instructor of each course indicated on the form to be dropped for his/her signature.  The signature is not an “approval” to drop, but rather confirmation that the student has discussed the drop/withdrawal with the faculty member.  The form must be submitted to the Registrar’s office for processing in person, email, or fax (903-223-3140).  Drop/withdraw forms missing any of the required information will not be accepted by the Registrar’s Office for processing.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the form is completed properly before submission.  If a student stops participating in class (attending and submitting assignments) but does not complete and submit the drop/withdrawal form, a final grade based on work completed as outlined in the syllabus will be assigned.

Disability Accommodations: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal non-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this law requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. This verbiage is located on the Syllabus Template (download) which also contains a direct link to Disability Services.

The policies apply to all web-enhanced and online courses.

Class Participation: Students are responsible for beginning their participation on the FIRST CLASS DAY by logging on and completing assignments according to the COURSE CALENDAR.  Failure to submit online assignments between the first day of classes and the University census date (according to the University schedule) will result in an ADMINISTRATIVE DROP from the course.

Students with federal loans and/or grants:   

Students who have federal loans and grants must be aware that participation is monitored in online courses.  In the event a student withdraws from a course the student will be required to refund all federal funds prorated from the last date of participation.  A student’s last access to Blackboard would not suffice as participation.  The required weekly activity could include a comment to a blog, a discussion board posting, a journal entry, a quiz or exam, a submitted assignment, or other measurable and tracked activity. 

Stress and Mental Health: Stress and mental health problems are common challenges that people face, but there are options available to help you on campus. We have two Licensed Professional Counselors on staff and a Victims Rights Advocate. We also provide crisis intervention services for individuals facing suicidal or homicidal ideation. For individual and group therapy options, please contact the Student Counseling Center in the UC 427 office or call for an appointment at 903-223-3186 (office) or 903-276-8276 (cell). For after-hours emergencies, call 911, University Police Department at 903-334-6611, or the local crisis line (AVAIL) at 1-800-832-1009. Other helpful numbers include the local mental health authority: Community Healthcore 903-831-7585, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or the National Crisis Text Line at 741741. Please note that you do not have to be suicidal to use a crisis hotline. Any crisis to you is a crisis to us. Faculty and staff encourage you to reach out for help if you need it.

Student Technical Assistance:  Solutions to common problems and FAQ’s for your web-enhanced and online courses can be found at Online Student Training.

If you cannot find your resolution there, you can submit a support request by contacting the IT Service Desk:

Technical Requirements:

 The following are the minimum computer requirements for online learning:

  • A computer capable of handling streaming video. A mid-range multi-core CPU should be adequate.
  • A sound card.
  • A high-speed internet connection preferably directly connected to the computer via a hard-wired Ethernet connection rather than wirelessly connected.
  • Virus and adware protection software.
  • Microsoft Word, minimum version 2016 or above.
  • Mozilla Firefox browser - available free.
  • The most recent plugin versions. You can check this in the Firefox browser by visiting the Firefox Plugin Check Tool.

Please note: some instructors may require the use of a headset with microphone and/or a webcam.  If so, the cost of these items is not included in your course fees and will need to be acquired at your own expense.