Cap and Gown
All students participating in commencement are required to wear the official Texas A&M University-Texarkana cap and gown. Graduating students can order their regalia online from the University bookstore until March 29th. Starting Thursday, March 13th (Grad Fair Day), regalia will be available for purchase in-store at the campus bookstore. It is the graduate's responsibility to purchase their regalia from the bookstore. Regalia will not be provided at the ceremony and graduates without the approved University regalia will not be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Regalia (caps, gowns and/or hoods):
- Do not wear flowers or jewelry on your robe/gown.
- Caps are to be worn flat, regardless of your hairstyle. Doctoral and Graduate students wear their tassels on the left. Undergraduate students wear their tassels on the right until you are instructed to turn it to the left during the ceremony.
- Caps can be decorated, to encourage a celebratory experience at commencement. You are encouraged to be tasteful.
- Stoles, cords or items of recognition other than those granted by A&M-Texarkana cannot be worn with your regalia.
- Master’s candidates carry the hood over your right arm with the velvet edge on the inside towards the crook of your arm, point on the outside of the arm hanging down.
For more information regarding purchasing your regalia for commencement, please contact the Eagle Central Bookstore on the main campus at 903-334-6620.
Dress Code
All students participating in commencement are required to wear the official Texas A&M University-Texarkana cap and gown. Clothing in accordance with this special occasion should be worn under the cap and gown.
Please note there are steps leading to the stage where graduates will receive their diplomas. Students may want to wear comfortable shoes for walking. Please notify us in advance if you will need assistance crossing the stage.
Honor Cords and Stoles
Honor Cords will not be distributed at the ceremony. These cords are for members of an Honor Society/Club/Organization at A&M-Texarkana only. Honor Societies at A&M-Texarkana include:
- Delta Mu Delta (National Honor Society in Business): purple and gold
- Delta Gamma Sigma Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International: blue and white- please see Dr. Angela Harless
- Kappa Delta Pi, (National Honor Society in Education): purple and green
- Phi Alpha Theta (National Honor Society in History): red and blue
- Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology): gold- please see Dr. Angela Parmentier-Sikorski. Only the cords can be worn during the ceremony.
- Sigma Tau Delta (National Society in English): black and red
- Delta Chi Delta Chapter of Tri-Beta (Biology)- please see Dr. Nurul Alam
- Veterans and Active Duty Military: red, white and blue (to be distributed by Robert Hernandez, Manager of the Veteran Services Center).
Alpha Chi (Honors Program) cords can be ordered from Alpha Chi National College Honors Society website. Contact Dr. Nakashian at 903-223-3136 or craig.nakashian@tamut.edu for more information.
Graduates in the National Society for Leadership and Success may order cords to wear – if stoles are purchased they may not be worn as university administration only approved the wearing of the cords.
Both bachelor and master students may wear their A&M-Texarkana honor society cords.
(National Honors Society (honorsociety.org), a FOR PROFIT company that offers students the ability to purchase honor society memberships, is not an organization through or recognized by A&M-Texarkana. Cords purchased through this company, or from any company outside of A&M-Texarkana, are not allowed to be worn at the ceremony.)
GPA Honor Graduate stoles will be handed out to prospective undergraduate-level students on the morning of the graduation ceremony. For information on how the Registrar’s Office determines GPA honors, please visit Scholastic Honors page under “Honors Graduate Recognition” for details.